Technische Universität Wien
Role in Task and related activities
Task 40 National Team Leader (since 2016)
Task 44 member
What the world should know about me
Studied physics at University of Vienna (Austria) and University of Sevilla (Spain), and is working since 2012 for the Energy Economics Group with the focus on the market introduction and market diffusion of bioenergy technologies and their respective densified commodities. In 2017 he graduated with his doctor thesis featuring strong ties to the Task 40 consortium and work. In several national and international research and consultant projects he conducts techno-economic assessments from a system perspective on biomass-to-end-use chains for modern and traditional bioenergy carriers and biomaterials. His main tools include desktop research, modelling, scenario modelling and -discussion implying scientific interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation as well as communication with and towards stakeholder and policy makers. Beside his work at TU Wien, he promotes the introduction of vertical indoor farming as Head of Research in the Austrian company Ponix Systems GmbH.