{"id":9,"date":"2013-09-06T14:34:21","date_gmt":"2013-09-06T14:34:21","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/ieabioenergy.loc\/?page_id=9"},"modified":"2024-05-15T11:33:07","modified_gmt":"2024-05-15T11:33:07","slug":"events","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/task40.ieabioenergy.com\/events\/","title":{"rendered":"All Events"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hybrid meeting 12-13 March 2024 in Washington DC<\/a>

The last physical meeting of Task 40 in the triennium 2022-2024 was favourably hosted by the US members (Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy<\/a> and Energy & Environment Science & Technology, INL<\/a>). We warmly welcomed an additional new Danish member, Sara Shapiro-Bengtsen (EA Analysis<\/a>). The main focus of the meeting was to agree on the priorities for the new Task 40 work programme for the next triennium 2025-2027, as the proposal needed to be finalised. On 12 March, all on-site members visited the DC Water\u2019s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plan<\/a>t. It was a remarkable visit, well organised and of great interest. Following the Task 40 meeting, participants attended the ABLC conference<\/a>, where Christiane Hennig<\/a> (Task 40 co-lead) had the opportunity to present Task 40’s activities in the session International Partnership and Trends, presented by the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office<\/span><\/em> and received very positive feedback on the Task’s work. Link to watch the presentation: https:\/\/robin.stream\/video\/ablc-2024-christiane-hennig-co-task-leader-iea-bioenergy-technology-collaboration-program-task-40-dbfz-german-biomass-research-centre\/<\/a><\/p>\n


ExCo92 workshop on the topic of \u201cBioenergy in a Net Zero Future\u201d 19 October in Lyon<\/a><\/p>\n

Physical presentation: Management of biogenic CO2 : BECCUS concepts<\/a><\/p>\n



Technology expert workshop \u201cBiomass combustion and CCUS\u201d 21 September 2023<\/strong><\/p>\n

Within the framework of the inter-task project “Management of biogenic CO2”, Task 40 contributed with a presentation: IEA Bioenergy BECCUS Inter-task projects<\/a><\/p>\n



Hybrid meeting 12-14 September 2023 in Utrecht<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n

The second physical meeting of Task 40 in the triennium 2022-2024 was held in a hybrid format in Utrecht from 12 to 14 September 2023. Organised by our Dutch Task 40 National Team Leader (NTL), Ric Hoefnagels of Utrecht University<\/a>, the event saw the active participation of the majority of Task 40 members.\u00a0 The meeting facilitated key policy and technical discussions, with a particular focus on advancing the two Task projects, Bioeconomy Synergies 2.0 and Regional Transitions 2.0. In addition, initial themes and activities for the new Task 40 work programme for the triennium 2025-2027 were outlined. On the afternoon of 13 September, Dutch Task 40 member Mark Bouwmeester (RWE) took Task 40 members and some guests from Utrecht University on a tour of the RWE Amercentrale power plant<\/a>. Positioned as one of Europe’s pioneering large-scale BECCS initiatives, this project represents a significant contribution to the objectives of Task 40.<\/p>\n


EERA event “Carbon sinks in Europe: stakeholders taking action to bring out the next solutions for carbon neutrality” 5 September 2023 in Brussels <\/strong><\/p>\n

The BECCUS 2.0 ITP was presented. Link to website<\/a> with information.<\/p>\n



\u201cIndustry-Based Biorefineries for Sustainability\u201d meeting 8 May 2023 in Gothenburg<\/strong><\/p>\n

As part of the collaboration between IEA IETS and IEA Bioenergy in this intertask project, technological pathways to net zero\/negative emissions biorefineries and industrial concepts were discussed. There was a physical participation and a presentation of Task 40: CCS\/CCU\/negative emissions and bio-based value chains\/concepts<\/a><\/p>\n



Expert workshop<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Deployment perspective of green hydrogen from biomass and green hydrogen use in bio-based processes<\/strong><\/p>\n

29 March 2023, Berlin- Germany \/ hybrid<\/p>\n

As part of the IEA Bioenergy Inter-Task project<\/a> (ITP) on \u2018Synergies of green hydrogen and bio-based value chains deployment\u2019 an expert workshop with the focus on the deployment perspective of green hydrogen from biomass and green hydrogen use in bio-based processes was organized by IEA Bioenergy Task 40 in collaboration with 9 other IEA Bioenergy Tasks. The workshop was an expert meeting where different stakeholders from among others industry, academia and linked IEA TCPs were invited. It was organized as a hybrid event in Berlin, Germany, with online participation and was hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. A total of 29 experts took part and 9 guest speakers presented their industrial and academic views.<\/p>\n

The goal of the workshop was to describe possible value chains combining hydrogen production and deployment of hydrogen and bio-based processes for different bio-based end-products, including technologies at different development stages. This was followed by a discussion on the status of their deployment perspective. Here different concepts were presented and then further explored during a moderated open discussion. The IEA Hydrogen TCP<\/a> and the IEA AMF TCP Task 64<\/a> gave their views on the presented concepts as well as a general assessment on the role of biomass-based hydrogen.<\/p>\n

Based on the outcome of the discussions of the industry and science sessions promising concepts will be identified which will be then described and assessed in more detail throughout the Inter-Task project. Further information and all presentations<\/strong> are available on the associated website.<\/a><\/p>\n


WS28: Technology advances in liquid biofuels and renewable gas<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n

Vienna, 17 October 2022<\/p>\n

Workshop organized by IEA Bioenergy in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and BEST \u2013 Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH<\/p>\n

During the panel discussion “What is needed to accelerate the deployment of renewable gases”, <\/strong>Uwe Fritsche presented the Key results of the \u201cRenewable Gas\u201d InterTask Project.<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n


Hybrid meeting 7+8 September 2022 in Copenhagen<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n

The first physical meeting of Task 40 in the triennium 2022-2024 (and indeed since November 2019) was held in Copenhagen on 7+8 September 2022. There were fruitful debates in Copenhagen on the topics of planning plants for PtX, BECCUS, bio-based value chains or furthermore on expert opinions and discussions on forests and their role for energy and materials provision. Other aspects of the meeting were the development of topics for the new projects and the coordination of internal participants for the work packages of the new ITP projects (ITP Inter-Task project \u2018Synergies of green hydrogen and bio-based value chains deployment\u2019<\/a> and ITP \u2018Management of Biogenic CO2: BECCUS Inter-task Phase 2\u2019<\/a>). Many thanks also to Morten Tony Hansen from Task 32 who arranged a guided tour for both Tasks at Copenhagen\u2019s largest pellet plant HOFOR \u2013 Amagerv\u00e6rket<\/a>.<\/p>\n


IEA Bioenergy conference 2021<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n

Bioenergy \u2013 a critical part of the path to carbon neutrality<\/strong><\/p>\n

The triennial conference (29 November \u2013 9 December 2021) was held in a series of online sessions. The central theme was the role of biomass in the transition to a carbon neutral society. Task 40 was represented with presentations and moderation in 4 sessions, see the recordings and presentations in detail below:<\/p>\n