DBFZ- Deutsches Biomasse Forschungszentrum
Leipzig, Germany
Role in Task and related activities
Task 40 lead, NTL (part of Task 40 since 2009)
Task 44 member
What the world should know about me
Studied environmental policy and science at Lund University, the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics IIIEE (Sweden). Since 2008 Christiane is a senior scientist at the German Biomass Research Centre (DBFZ) in the department of Bioenergy Systems. Here, she has been engaged in research in the area of sustainable energy supply and energy policy. Her focus is on strategies promoting the sustainable use of biomass for energy provision and in the broader bioeconomy. Before, she worked for the International Network for Environmental Management (INEM) and was responsible for the area of Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment
Beside her scientific work, she enjoys urban gardening, playing volleyball, and is all into wines (and the cuisine of course as well).