Inter-task project BECCUS phase 1

Deployment of BECCUS value chains (Phase 1)

The IEA Bioenergy inter-task project on Deployment of BECCUS Value Chains analyzes technological, political and economic aspects related to near- to medium term deployment of systems used for capture and utilization or storage of biogenic CO2.

Participating Tasks

4 out of 11 IEA Bioenergy Tasks participating. Task 40 (deployment), Task 36 (waste), Task 44 (flexibility) and Task 45 (sustainability).


01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021


Olle Olsson (Task 40, Sweden), Christiane Hennig (Task 40, Germany)


The objective of the project was to improve the understanding of the opportunities for, and obstacles to, deployment of bioenergy combined with CO2 capture and utilization or permanent storage (BECCUS). The ambition of the project was to cut across a broad set of factors that together determine successful deployment.


Deployment of BECCUS value chains