DBFZ- Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum
Leipzig, Germany
Contact: nora.lange[at]dbfz.de
Role in Task and related activities
Task 40 Secretary; Task 44 Member
What the world should know about me
After completing her studies in landscape ecology at the University of Oldenburg, Nora gained valuable experience in collection management at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (2007–2013) and in nature conservation planning at an engineering office until 2016. Since 2017, she has been part of the Bioenergy Systems Department at DBFZ, working on projects in the field of bioeconomy. She works in the “Applied Sustainability Assessment” group and has, among other tasks, previously collaborated with experts to model biomass flows in Germany. From 2020 to 2024, she also served as Task Secretary for IEA Task 44 “Flexible Bioenergy and System Integration.” Within the scientific framework of Task 44, she still supports activities related to best practice examples and publications on flexible bioenergy policies. In her free time, she dedicates herself with great enthusiasm to caring for the plants in her small garden..