Inter-task project BECCUS phase 2

Management of Biogenic CO2: BECCUS (Phase 2)

This project, which comprises eight working packages, aims 1) to facilitate cross-Task, cross-TCP and cross-sector learning on bio-CCUS, 2) to shed light on (bio)energy system integration of bio-CCUS and 3) to address CO2 mitigation potential of bio-CCUS. It will allow for a more systemic consideration of how to take different BECCUS applications to deployment, thereby building upon, but going beyond, Phase 1. Collaboration is forseen with various IEA TCPs (IETS, GHG, ETSAP).

Participating Tasks

8 out of 11 IEA Bioenergy Tasks participating. Task 40 (deployment), Task 32 (combustion), Task 33 (gasification), Task 34 (DTL), Task 36 (waste), Task 37 (biogas), Task 44 (flexibility) and Task 45 (sustainability).


01/06/2022 – 31/12/2024


Christiane Hennig (Task 40, Germany), Christian Bang (Task 40, Denmark)


Key questions that are addressed: Which technologies/concepts are (potentially) available? What are the requirements for the deployment of BECCUS? In a given situation should biogenic CO2 be sequestered, or utilised? How to monetise the carbon negative products that bioenergy can deliver? How is the GHG accounting for the different concepts? How to govern the different energy system services?

Work packages


Dissemination and Events

Intra-Task Meeting IEA IETS Task XI on Industry-Based Biorefineries for Sustainability, Gothenburg 8 May 2023, Bang_IEABioenergy-2023_05.08

EERA event Carbon sinks in Europe: stakeholders taking action to bring out the next solutions for carbon neutrality“, Brussels, 5 September 2023, Hennig_IEABioenergy-2023_09_05_EERA

Project workshop organized by IEA Bioenergy Task 32 “Biomass combustion and CCUS“, Copenhagen, 21 September 2023, Bang_intro-Task-32-Workshop-Biomass-Combustion-and-CCUS

IEA Bioenergy Workshop WS30 “Bioenergy in a Net Zero Future“, Lyon, 19 October 2023, Download

Project Workshop “Science and policy surrounding biogenic CO2”, online, 2 February 2024

Workshop IEA IETS Task 21 Subtask 2 Circular Carbon, “Widening the perspective on Circular Carbon: from potentials to practical experience”, online, 29 February 2024

Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLC 2024), Washington DC, 13-14 March 2024, Download

Workshop IEA TCP Coordination Group on Carbon Management, 22 April 2024

Webinar “Utilization and storage of captured biogenic CO2 – Deployment in selected EU countries”, 17 June 2024, announcement