Task 40 members

Task 40 includes active and dedicated members with the aims to investigate and study sustainable biomass markets for a stable global commodity market in biomass energy and biobased economy. You can find out our biography (click on names) with the details below:


Birger Kerckow
Operating Agent
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)



Christiane Hennig
Task Co-Leader and National Team Leader
Deutsches Biomasse Forschungszentrum (DBFZ)


Judith Buchmaier and Bettina Muster

Alternate national team leader
AEE Intec – Institute for Sustainable Technologies


Michael Wild



Karin Pettersson
National Team Leader
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Ric Hoefnagels
National Team Leader
Utrecht University



Chenlin Li
Alternate national team leader
U.S. Department of Energy